1. Battle at Athlone 1691, mixed media, size 150 x 150 cm
  2. Battle at Athlone, line etching, size 90 x 100 cm
  3. Signature to witness the story, line etching
  4. Signature to witness the story, line etching
  5. The wild Geese and Patrick Sarsfield leaves Ireland for good 1691
  6. The Wild Geese and Patrick Sarsfield leaves Ireland for good, line etching, size 90 x 100 cm
  7. The last supper at Malahide Castle, 1690, line etching, size 35 x 100 cm
  8. Soldier draws his signature on copperplate
  9. Soldier draws his signature on copperplate
  10. Soldier Priest draws his signature to witness the story
  11. Soldiers are lining up for signing their signature to witness my story telling of the Battle of Boyne 1689 - 1691
Battle at Athlone 1691, etching
Battle at Athlone 1691, etching
Battle at Athlone 1691
Battle at Athlone 1691
Chaplain Thomas Beck signs to witness The Last Supper at Malahide Castle
Chaplain Thomas Beck signs to witness The Last Supper at Malahide Castle
Signature to witness my story of the battle of Boyne
Signature to witness my story of the battle of Boyne
Sodiers to witness the last supper at Malahide Castle
Sodiers to witness the last supper at Malahide Castle
Soldier signs to witness of my story Battle of Boyne
Soldier signs to witness of my story Battle of Boyne
The Flight of the Wild Geese 1691
The Flight of the Wild Geese 1691
The flight of the Wild Geese 1691, etching
The flight of the Wild Geese 1691, etching
The last supper at Malahide Castle, July 12 year 1690, etching
The last supper at Malahide Castle, July 12 year 1690, etching
Witness to my story of Battle of the Boyne
Witness to my story of Battle of the Boyne
Witness to my story of the Battle of Boyne
Witness to my story of the Battle of Boyne
Witnesses to my story of Battle of the Boyne
Witnesses to my story of Battle of the Boyne


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