theres is more fish in the sea
theres is more fish in the sea
Susanne Thea 20994
Susanne Thea 20994
Here they are
Here they are
Transformation, Etching, woodcut, size H 100 x W 80cm
Transformation, Etching, woodcut, size H 100 x W 80cm
Sunset, etching, mixed media size
Sunset, etching, mixed media size
afternoon tea, etching, mixed media, size H 60 x W 80 cm
afternoon tea, etching, mixed media, size H 60 x W 80 cm
journey, etching, mixed media size H 78,5 x W 107 cm
journey, etching, mixed media size H 78,5 x W 107 cm
There is more than just black
There is more than just black


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