01 Sacrifice to the gods
01 Sacrifice to the gods
02 Shipbuilders
02 Shipbuilders
03 The deep blue sea
03 The deep blue sea
04 The ships
04 The ships
05 Invasion
05 Invasion
06 Trade and settlement
06 Trade and settlement
07 Double weeding
07 Double weeding
08 Imprisonment
08 Imprisonment
09 The banner of the raven
09 The banner of the raven
10 Sigurd must carry his own banner and is killed
10 Sigurd must carry his own banner and is killed
11 Highking Brian Boru is murdered by Brodir when he is alone in his tent
11 Highking Brian Boru is murdered by Brodir when he is alone in his tent
12 The Battlefield
12 The Battlefield
13 The vikings flee
13 The vikings flee
14 Looking back at the trail of the past
14 Looking back at the trail of the past


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